Thursday, March 02, 2006

Training, Mar. 2 -- Mars Hill Church

I worked on endurance tonight. I rode for one hour at Aerobic Pace (131-145 HR). Avg. HR was 136 for the hour. I spent 55:10 in the target zone.

During the ride I listened to a sermon from Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I listened primarily out of curiousity. I have heard the name of the church several times lately, primarily in the blogs. I also found two other connections. I have been brushing up on my NT Greek. I have been doing this in part on the website While checking out the site, I saw a reference that the creator of the site not only attends Mars Hill but is teaching New Testament Greek classes at the church. Now, I had thought that the church was probably like a lot of new churches, seeker sensitive and light on teaching. But, a church light on teaching wouldn't be likely to teach its members Greek.

The other place that I found it was when I set up a podcast for my church, Christ Community Church. Having found their podcast, I downloaded some sermons. I saw that the sermons were from 1 Corinthians and seemed to work sequentially through the book, which is a good sign for expository preaching, one of the best systems of good Biblical teaching. At some point, I need to put a post on my other blog site.

So I listened to the sermon and I am initially impressed. I have one more sermon on my mp3 player, that I need to listen to on my next ride. I will post more about it.


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