Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Training Jan. 31

Last night's training:

Cross training - played basketball with the youth team. We didn't scrimmage the whole hour like we have been doing recently. We did some much needed work on fundamentals first. Then scrimmaged at the end, but I got some exercise in.

Cycling - the goal was 45 minutes, working on strength. To work on strength, I increased the resistance on the trainer by one notch, and then did intervals. I warmed up for 15 minutes, then did three five minute intervals that consisted of 1 minute standing at higher resistance, 1 minute sitting at higher resistance, and 3 minutes of recovery. After the last recovery, I did 15 minutes of spinning to finish the 45 minute workout.

I listened to a John Piper sermon on Romans 1:16-17. The sermon dealt with salvation for the believer being in the future and as a result of being justified by faith. It also dealt with the phrase "from faith to faith." According to Piper, the phrase means that we are saved by faith at the beginning, but also by persevering in our faith. That initial faith then increases our faith. By living in faith every day, we receive more faith to continue.

This morning I finally dropped below 200 lbs. for the first time in a couple of months. The holiday feasts were not kind to my waistline. I need to lose more weight to get into shape for BRAG.


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