Friday, January 27, 2006

Training, Jan. 26

I took Tuesday and Wednesday off from the bike. Tuesday I played basketball with the guys from my basketball team. I guess you can count that as cross training, right? Wednesday night, I had to stay with the kids while my wife was at a meeting for Christ Community Church. When she got home, we spent the rest of the evening talking about the meeting and the exciting things that are in store for the church. More on that will show up in the main blog.

So, Thursday night, I really wanted get some training in. We had some friends kids over for dinner, so I had to wait until after they left and our kids were in bed. I finally got out to ride the trainer.

After we watched TV together while I rode the other night, I have been exiled to the garage again. My son kept coming out the complain about the noise from the trainer, and the fact that the TV was turned up so that we could here it over the trainer. I decided to set up my laptop on a table in the garage where I could see it. I ran the Fellowship of the Rings DVD while I rode. The chase seen as they tried to out run the Nazghul to reach Rivendell made for good riding.

The goal was to ride for 2 hours. I managed to complete the goal, taking two short breaks. Now, I need to expand my goals for next week to ride longer, and to ride longer with fewer breaks. But first, I need to increase my posterior toughness.

I made it to the battle scene in Moria. Tomorrow night I will try to ride for an hour and finish the movie. It makes it much easier to ride for that long with a good distraction.


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