Sunday, January 29, 2006

Training Jan. 29

Goal: 1 hr. spinning
Rode: 1:10.

Watched the remainder of the Fellowship of the Ring while riding for just over an hour. The battle scenes are definitely much better for training than the gentle canoe trip down the Anduin River. Overall, the movie was good for distraction from the pain and discomfort of being on the trainer.

I really don't like the trainer. I find that real world riding is much more inspiring, comfortable, and fun. I just can't seem to switch positions as well on the trainer, and there is never any coasting. I probably coast more than I should while I ride, but it helps to rest the legs a bit every now and then. Plus, it is just boring to ride for an hour and not move a single inch. I need something to distract me from the boredom. When I am out on the roads, I can be inspired by the changing scenery, or at least from the passing miles.

Hopefully, I will be able to hit the road soon.


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