Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Training, Feb. 14

I got to train tonight, even though it is Valentine's Day. My wife had things to do on the computer -- so, she sent me out to train for an hour in the garage.

The hour consisted of:
Warm-up 11 minutes, Avg. HR 104
30 minute time trial attempt:
First 10 minutes: Avg. HR 138
Last 20 minuets: Avg. HR 162
Cool Down: 19 minutes, Avg. HR 133
Overall session: 1:00:00, Avg. HR 138, Max. HR 171.

The purpose of the workout was to come up with an initial estimate of my Lactate Threshold HR. According to Friel, the avg. HR over the last 20 minutes of a 30 minute time trial is a close approximation of LTHR. This would put my estimate at 162. But, I don't think I went hard enough for it to work. I think I need to go harder over the first 10 minutes, and then try to maintain and see if my LTHR is closer to 170. According to my HRM, my theoretical HR Max. is 186. 162 is about 87% HR Max.

I was listening to Piper again. This was his second sermon on Rom. 1:19 (?) about God pouring out his wrath on mankind because they have denied the creator. He spent a significant portion talking about the philosophy of natural evolution and the intelligent design debate. This is a sermon that was given in 1998 or 1999, before the current controversy over intelligent design. His point was that evolutionary theory is one way that humankind denies God.

He then stepped back and made the best part of the sermon in 4 steps.
1. Everyone is made by God.
2. Everyone knows of God, even if they deny him.
3. The problems that we see around us--i.e., crime, homelessness, illness, poverty, drug addiction--are the evidence of God's wrath being poured out.
4. If we don't reach out to the people around us, then we are denying God by denying his creation.

I think that I have made his points in the same basic ideas that he made them. He made the sermons much more eloquently.


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